From the course: CompTIA Project+ (PK0-005) Cert Prep

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Discovery phase artifacts

Discovery phase artifacts

- In this phase, we're going to discuss what happens before the project even starts. Join us. - [Narrator] You're watching IT Pro TV. (light music) - Welcome into another great episode. I'm your host Lauren Deal, and with me is Robin Abernathy and we're jumping into our first phase, Robin. - Yes. - Discovery phase artifacts. - Yes, so the discovery phase is all about the work that is completed prior to it actually becoming a project. Again, it's all about a project proposal and you've got to do kind of the pre-work. Now, the work is mostly completed by the project sponsor, and I'm not meaning it in the sense that a CEO or a CTO has to complete this work. I'm meaning the organization has someone that is designated to complete the pre-work to supply this documentation, so that it can be reviewed to see, do we even want to go a bit further and look at this project? Or is it just a complete waste of our time? Okay, so the first thing or one of the things that could happen, now I'm going…
