From the course: CSS Essential Training
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Intro to Flexbox - CSS Tutorial
From the course: CSS Essential Training
Intro to Flexbox
- [Instructor] Historically, float, and sometimes display and position, were used to create various page layouts. While there are still uses for these properties the flexible box layout, or flexbox for short, has introduced more ways for aligning and sizing elements. Let's dive into flexbox, beginning with the terminology. The flex container refers to the parent element. The flex items refer to only the child elements within the flex container. Flex items are laid out along the main axis. The direction is horizontal by default, so the flex items are arranged in rows, but the direction of the main axis can be changed to run vertically in columns using the flex direction property set to column. The cross axis will always run perpendicular to the direction of the main axis. Both axes also have start and endpoints, main start and main end for the main axis, cross start and cross end for the cross axis. To use flexbox, the…
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Intro to Grid and Flexbox59s
Intro to Flexbox2m 25s
Flexbox: Orientation and ordering3m 1s
Sizing with flex properties2m 29s
Flexbox exercise3m 51s
Project: Sticky footer with flexbox5m 39s
Aligning flex items3m 20s
Project: Aligning elements with Flexbox3m 41s
Intro to CSS Grid2m 23s
The explicit grid3m 59s
The implicit grid2m 58s
Adding gutters with the gap property1m 21s
Project: Adding columns with Grid8m 15s