From the course: Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing

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An insight into Rapid7's SECaaS

An insight into Rapid7's SECaaS

- [Instructor] Cloud providers are not the only organizations offering security as a service. Rapid7 is a security company which focuses on visibility and analysis of threats and automation of threat detection and response. It's well-known for its Nexspose on-premise vulnerability scanning appliance and for its Metasploit penetration testing software. However, the folks at Rapid7 also offer a cloud-based solution for cybersecurity defense, the Insight cloud. The Insight cloud consists of five modules and is a good example of cloud-based security as a service, which supports both on-premise and cloud deployments. The Insight Vulnerability Management solution integrates with endpoints and projects to monitor vulnerabilities, monitor cloud infrastructure, and to actively check the exposed system attack surfaces. It manages container risks and provides operational cyber-risk dashboards. With InsightAppSec, the Insight cloud…
