From the course: Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing

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Command-line access to Amazon

Command-line access to Amazon

- [Instructor] Amazon provides a handy command line interface tool for AWS. It's available for Windows and Linux, but I'll install this in my Kali testing system. If you have a Kali installation, you can follow hands on. And if not, you can check out my learning Kali Linux course to get familiar with this great testing capability. I'll load the command line tool into my Karli application folder, which is at user share. And I'll use curl to download the tool. I'll now unzip the CLI archive. And finally I'll run the installation process. Okay. We have an AWS client installed. I'll do one further thing. I'll set my default region to Asia Pacific. This will avoid having to specify the region on each command. Before I can use the CLI I have to set up access credentials to log into my cloud account. To do this, I use the AWS IAM console. I select from the Cybex drop down my security credentials and then access keys.…
