From the course: Cybersecurity with Cloud Computing

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Security as a service

Security as a service

- [Instructor] When cloud first emerged, a major concern was how it could be properly secured. A decade later it was becoming clear that cloud service providers had stepped up to the challenge and were delivering security more effectively than was possible with on-premise solutions. This laid the foundation for security to be delivered as a service, not only on the cloud for cloud deployments, but also to secure hybrid and on-premise deployments. There are many security capabilities which can be delivered through managed services. A key one is Identity as a Service. Other security services that can be delivered from the cloud include access management, web and email filtering, and intrusion detection to mention just a few. To be considered as Security as a Service, rather than just an outsourced security service, these must still meet the essential characteristics of cloud. There are five key benefits that come with…
