From the course: Developing Organizational Awareness
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Articulate your unique value
From the course: Developing Organizational Awareness
Articulate your unique value
- Did you ever notice that when people are about to say something nice about themselves, they start by saying, "Not to toot my own horn, but." This kind of bugs me, not because they're tooting their own horn, which if you're not familiar means promoting your own achievements. This bugs me because people seem to think there's something wrong with self-promotion. I say be proud to talk about your achievements. If you do good work and no one notices, you won't get very far. Take a look at this graphic. It's called the Pie Chart of Success in High-Performing Organizations, borrowed from Harvey Coleman's book, "Empowering Yourself, "The Organizational Game Revealed." By the way, you'll find a resource list of all the books mentioned in this course in the exercise files. As you can see, performance represents 10% of success. Image represents 30. And exposure represents 60. P-I-E, pie chart. Get it? The message is not that…
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