From the course: Developing Organizational Awareness

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Share your organizational knowledge

Share your organizational knowledge

- Throughout the modules in this course, you've enhanced your knowledge in several key areas, knowing your organization's who, what, when, where, why and how, exploring your role and how it supports your employer's key goals, studying the people around you and how to work best with them and uncovering the unwritten rules of your particular culture. My final suggestion is to be generous in sharing and spreading what you've learned and what you continue to learn. That's the mission and purpose of my work, and I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn and check out my blog and four career advice books on my website,, so I can continue to support you. There's huge power and satisfaction in being a trusted resource and creating community with others. There's a beautiful African proverb that says, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." Thank you for being part of this…
