From the course: Developing Organizational Awareness

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Study organizational stars

Study organizational stars

- As you've been observing your organization, it's likely that you've identified some people who are highly regarded, people who others look up to, the stars of your organization, or influencers to use more modern lingo. Sometimes when we identify these people, it can bring up feelings of envy for their position, their title, their popularity. I know that for me, that envy can be kind of an icky feeling. So one of the best ways I've learned to deal with it is by turning those feelings of envy into a catalyst for positive action. Instead of feeling jealous of organizational stars, see if you can decide to study them. Position them in your mind as role models and inspirations. Study their career progressions, watch how they interact in meetings and on video calls. Check out their LinkedIn profiles to see how they describe themselves. To practice this, check out the worksheet I created in the Exercise Files. It's a simple…
