From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

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Acknowledge effort

Acknowledge effort

- To get to the best creative work from your team members, acknowledgement is key. Acknowledgement is not only the seeing and validating the existence of action and activity, but as also expressing appreciation for the effort as well. And to take it a step further, appreciation goes beyond recognition. Giving appreciation also implies the addition of value. When leaders recognize and support the strengths and efforts of the people in their organization, these people become highly engaged, creative, and productive. The key activity to acknowledge effort. Modern work culture is obsessed with results, with sales numbers, ROI in products and profit. But without effort, none of these things would be possible. What's more, most people are their own worst critics and they tend to think that they are doing worse at their jobs than they actually are. This constant low level stress blocks the flow of creative ideas, lowering…
