From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader
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Developing a creativity-thinking mindset
From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader
Developing a creativity-thinking mindset
- The term mindset is used a lot these days but what exactly is a mindset? A mindset is a collection of beliefs that shape our thought habits. Our mindsets determine how we approach things in life and inform all of our decisions and actions. A creativity mindset is the driving force behind the ability to come up with viable solutions to problems, transforming them into opportunities and innovation. People with a creativity mindset have these characteristics. They silence self doubt and are confident in their ability to problem solve. They're adaptable and flexible and are able to deal with ambiguity and complexity. They're curious and open to exploration, experimentation, and surprise. They're willing to take risks and to embrace and learn from failure. They see possibilities and they have a playful spirit. The best leaders lead by example. As a leader, developing a creativity mindset yourself is the best first step to…
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