From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

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Facilitate flow

Facilitate flow

- We've all had moments where we've reached a place of flow, that elevated creative state where we achieve fully energized engaged focus, and total immersion while reaching a successful ultimate goal. But flow isn't just great in the moment that it happens. Research shows that after we've experienced a state of flow, our awareness and confidence gets stronger. What's more, Teresa Amabile of Harvard has shown that once in flow, we can return to the state more easily for up to two days. And during that time, our ideas move better. But with respect to building a creativity mindset, the most important aspect of flow is that it heightens creative performance, as well as other aspects of performance. It all sounds fantastic, doesn't it? There's only one catch, you can't force flow. We can however, set up the conditions for flow to happen, essentially creating gateways to flow. Here's what's needed. First, we need goals. Make…
