From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

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The connection between creativity and leadership

The connection between creativity and leadership

From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

The connection between creativity and leadership

- More and more organizations are facing challenges that can't be approached in a traditional way. Operating environments for businesses are becoming increasingly changeable and unpredictable, what's needed is creativity. The ability to develop meaningful new ideas through exercising, imagination and originality. Creativity and leadership is the driving force behind challenging existing assumptions and abandoning rigid traditional structures. Creativity enables leaders to meet the ever shifting challenges of an unpredictable future. Creative leaders drive innovation and productivity, enabling companies to come up with leading edge products and services and fosters success. But creativity isn't just important at the leadership level. According to the LinkedIn Learning Workplace Learning Report creativity is the most sought after soft skill of employees. In fact, many studies over the past decade show that creativity has not only…
