From the course: DevOps Foundations: Going Cloud Native

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Organizational strategies

Organizational strategies

- [Narrator] Kubernetes is different from a lot of other platforms out there. It has evolved to a large platform that can do many different things from running stateless applications and CronJobs to even databases and machine learning. It supports a whole suite of services and platforms which is one of the primary reasons that Kubernetes is the heart of Cloud Native. When the platform has the potential to do so much, how do you align your organization to make full use of Kubernetes, and what challenges do organizations face? In an earlier video, we had talked about the differences between self-hosting Kubernetes and using amended service. One of the common misconceptions is that by running amended service, you do not need to have any operations for your Kubernetes clusters. The reality is that you are still on the hook to manage at least your data plane notes, where you deploy your container-based applications. This is significantly less operations than running the whole platform…
