From the course: Driving Your Career in a Direction That’s Right for You

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Your career COO hat

Your career COO hat

- How can you ensure you focus on delivering value to the organization you work for, as well as getting what you need in order to do a good job? Your chief operating officer hat will help you. Just as in a business, the COO or Chief Operating Officer is responsible for delivering value to customers. If you are employed, your COO hat is responsible for delivering value to the organization you work for. In this lesson, you'll learn the two responsibilities of the COO hat, why they're important for your career, and the key to wearing this hat in a way that's right for you. The first area of responsibility of your COO hat is to ensure that you are adding value in your role that maps to the overall success of the organization. If you are not sure how it does this, then find out. The point here is to shift from job based thinking to value creating thinking. Take responsibility to ensure that value is happening in all of the areas that you are involved in. Consider this scenario. Gary is an…
