From the course: Ethical Decision-Making in Business: Strategies for Success

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Encouraging an ethical organizational culture

Encouraging an ethical organizational culture

It's possible to create a workplace where doing the right thing is simply the only way things are done. A place where you're proud and happy to work that is admired by your friends, family and the public. That's the power of having an ethical organizational culture. You could be like Patagonia, which is considered one of the most ethical companies due to its fair labor policies, sustainable practices and transparent operations. Or Ben and Jerry's, which is known for its fair trade practices, climate justice initiatives and ethically sourced ingredients. So how do you encourage your own ethical culture? In this lesson, I’ll dive into how leadership and clear policies can help build and maintain an organization where ethical behavior thrives. First, leaders set the tone for any organization. Ethical leaders demonstrate integrity in their decisions and hold everyone accountable for upholding the organization's values. This means leading by example. Leaders who walk the walk inspire trust…
