From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs
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Key principles and the 10-second rule - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs
Key principles and the 10-second rule
- [Instructor] Let's talk about the key principles of data visualization because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how technically proficient you are at creating charts, all that is meaningless if you don't understand how to effectively tell a story. So number one, strive for clarity and simplicity above all else. Data vis is about maximizing impact and minimizing noise. Don't be one of those people who adds all these bells and whistles to their charts, tries to plot four, five, six data series on the same axis just because it's an option. Listen, at the end of the day, if it doesn't add value or serve a purpose, just get rid of it. Second, always focus on creating a narrative. Data vis isn't just showing data, it's telling a story so make sure you're communicating your key insights clearly, quickly, and powerfully. Finally, strike a balance between design and function. When it comes to design, selecting the right type of chart is critical. And always remember that beautiful is…
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