From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs
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Pies, donuts, and race tracks - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs
Pies, donuts, and race tracks
- [Instructor] Alright, next up we've got pie and donut charts. I'm sure you already know what a pie chart is, one of the most basic chart types out there, it's really just used to compare proportions totalling 100%. But if you don't know much about donut charts, you'll probably want to pay attention, because donut charts aren't just pie charts with the center cut out, which is how they got their name, but they also introduce some capabilities that go well beyond what a pie chart can do. So for instance, you can add multiple rings to a donut chart like this, to show additional data series or metrics within the same visualization. Can also get clever and build some sort of a racetrack or pacing style visualization like this, which I'll show you in just a minute. So examples of when you'd use either a pie or a donut chart, anything that adds up to a percentage of a whole, so percentage of budget by department, internet users by age range, a breakdown of site traffic by source, you get…
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Bar and column charts8m 49s
Histograms and Pareto charts5m 58s
Line charts and trendlines5m 16s
Area charts4m 41s
Pies, donuts, and race tracks12m 4s
Scatter plots7m 30s
Bubble charts6m 36s
Box and whisker charts6m 5s
Tree maps and sunburst charts6m 36s
Waterfall charts3m 17s
Funnel charts3m 42s
Radar charts7m 56s
Stock charts7m 18s
Heat maps4m 41s
Surface and contour charts7m 35s
Geospatial maps (Power Map)5m 28s
Basic combo charts7m 57s
Sparklines2m 7s