From the course: Excel Data Visualization: Mastering 20+ Charts and Graphs

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Tree maps and sunburst charts

Tree maps and sunburst charts

- [Instructor] So in the past, if you wanted to visualize hierarchical data, Excel was not a very good way to do that. But that's all changed in 2016 with the introduction of tree maps and sunburst charts. So these types of charts are a really great way to visualize data that has natural groups or sub-grouping. So some examples might be, if you want to look at relative revenue by a book title, organized by genre and sub-genre, or look at the number of employees by department, by office, or population by city, state and region, all of these example datasets have natural groupings and sub-groupings. A couple pro tips here. The first, use tree maps when you're only visualizing one or two hierarchical levels, so for instance, topic and sub-topic, or when relative sizes are really important to your story. Sunburst charts, on the other hand, are a great way to show the depth of different hierarchical levels within your data. Second, and this one's really, really important, make sure your…
