From the course: GitHub Foundations: Privacy, Security, and Administration

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Enterprise Managed Users (EMUs) explained

Enterprise Managed Users (EMUs) explained

Enterprise-managed users allow you to control the user accounts of your enterprise users. If you have this license service from GitHub, your identity provider as well, which is an IdP, is a mechanism that you can use throughout the GitHub enterprise managed user application. So you can use this IdP to provision new user accounts and you can also control usernames, profile data, team memberships, and repository access as well. So let's go ahead and walk through this diagram here and take a look. First up, we have the admin dashboard here and this allows you to have a central hub to manage the enterprise, users, including role assignment and permissions. If we look at the user portal, this would be where you would log in as an EMU to do a self-service or update a profile and also access allocated resources. If we go into the authentication and authorization layer here, we can see that the Identity Provider, IdP, serves as the secure vault of the user identities and it ensures reliable…
