From the course: GitHub Foundations: Privacy, Security, and Administration
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Features and options in the security tab - GitHub Tutorial
From the course: GitHub Foundations: Privacy, Security, and Administration
Features and options in the security tab
Here we have security tab features as the next section here under security. Let's take a look at a repository that's in an organization and go to the settings. When we go to settings, on the lower left corner, there is a security tab. Let's first dive into this feature, which is code security and analysis, which is a critical feature for security. For example, you can have the dependency graph enabled so that you can make sure that your dependencies in your repo are secure and up-to-date. And this is something that can be done by enabling this dependency graph. You also can enable security updates and also version updates. So these are all configurable at the repository level. Now another thing to consider though is you can do this at the organizational level. So if we go to this tab, we can see that there's a coverage icon here which shows security coverage and we can see all of the settings for multiple repositories, including dependabot, code scanning, and even secret scanning. And…
Introduction to GitHub administration3m 7s
Enabling and disabling features3m 11s
Repository permission levels explained2m 37s
Setting repository visibility options3m 42s
Repository privacy settings and options2m 52s
Features and options in the security tab3m 51s
Understanding repository insights1m 52s
Managing collaborators in GitHub2m 21s
Managing organization settings4m 11s
Members, teams, and roles in a GitHub organization3m 28s