From the course: GitHub Foundations: Privacy, Security, and Administration

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Members, teams, and roles in a GitHub organization

Members, teams, and roles in a GitHub organization - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Foundations: Privacy, Security, and Administration

Members, teams, and roles in a GitHub organization

Here we have the organizational settings that shows who is a member of my organization, and we're going to talk about members, teams, and roles here. So first up, we have members. If I want to invite a new member, all I need to do is, for example, do username, full name, or email address. So if I typed in, for example, octocat, I could invite the octocat inside of this project and you could see that I would have the option of either making them a member, which is typical of most times you would want to invite somebody to the organization, and I would say 99 percent of the time this is what you want, or owner. Now, owner is very dangerous. And I would say you have to be extremely careful about typos or making other mistakes because of the fact that they would have the ability to administer your organization and have complete access to all repositories and teams. So this is very dangerous and not something you should do lightly, is to give people ownership access, but if you do, you…
