From the course: Harnessing Change to Unleash Your Potential

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Make the complex simple

Make the complex simple

- Complexity makes everyone work harder to understand what's needed. Well-meaning people often bring out all of the detailed charts, graphs, and research they've been working on, and use buzzwords during their presentation to give themselves credibility. But this approach only causes frustration. When facing a change or trying to lead one, yourself, you may be tempted to share as much information as you can, but this will only backfire on you. After this lesson, you'll be able to simplify the facts pertaining to your change and communicate them effectively. A principle learned during my consulting years has been invaluable across all types of change. Maximum complexity equals minimum change. Put simply, it means the greater the complexity, the less change will actually happen. When dealing with change, think Tesla. The design is sleek and simple, yet it provides strong performance on the road. That's the idea you want…
