From the course: Human Resources: Building a Performance Management System

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Organizational values, vision, and mission

Organizational values, vision, and mission

- All organizations stem from one thing: an idea. At some point someone had an idea for goods and services and put it into motion. Now we have millions of different organizations around the world all solving some sort of problem with their product. They have a vision for a better world when that problem, whatever it is, is solved. Most organizations also have a mission statement and core values, and your performance system should be tied into all of this. But why? Because employees that see a link between their actions and organizational success, or the big vision, are more engaged and happier to go to work. Let's talk about with these things are first and then discuss ways to tie them into your performance management system. A vision statement is an aspirational goal that your organization wants to achieve in the long-term. Basically, it's where your organization wants to go. A mission statement is how you'll get there. It includes the actions your organization will take in order to…
