From the course: Identify and Unleash Potential in Your Employees

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Achieve organizational excellence

Achieve organizational excellence

- It takes a village for an organization to succeed. However, managing the big personalities of your ambitious high-potential employees can make it challenging to maintain harmony in your village. You need to create an environment where your HiPos don't feel like they have to compete to get ahead. They should be able to reach their full potential and advance in ways that will help all of your employees get better and enable your organization to thrive. I want to walk you through a framework for harmonizing the relationships between your most talented employees and their relationships with you for everyone's mutual benefit. First, be clear about expectations you have for your high-potential employees. This includes the responsibilities and accountability you expect them to take on and the kind of citizenship you expect them to embody. Doing this will help you avoid the primadonna risk. When you invest in the professional…
