From the course: Italian for Absolute Beginners

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Adjectives, part 3

Adjectives, part 3

Absolute Beginner Season 1 Lesson 13 How can you be on a diet in Italy? In today's class we will focus on the plural forms of the demonstrative adjective questo. This conversation takes place in a pizzeria. It's between Melissa and Alessio. The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informally. Let's listen to the conversation. And now with a translation. Questa volta con la traduzione. Questa volta con la traduzione. Finalmente un tavolo per noi. Finally a table for us. Eh sì, ordiniamo o no? Oh yes, do we order or not? Questi prezzi non sono così male. These prices are not so bad. E queste pizze sembrano tutte buonissime. Tu cosa prendi? And all these pizzas look very good. What do you take? Io prendo una semplice marinara. I take a simple marinara. Ah, no. Io prendo questa pizza con i capperi, le olive, i funghi, il prosciutto, la rucola. Oh no. I take this pizza with capers, olives, mushrooms, ham, rocket. Hey Melissa, tu non sei a dieta, eh? Hey Melissa, you're not…
