From the course: Italian for Absolute Beginners

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Absolute Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 11. Could anything be better than this Italian lesson? In today's class, we will focus on the demonstrative adjective questo, meaning this, in its singular forms. This conversation takes place in a jewelry store. The conversation is between Melissa and Alessio. The speakers are friends, therefore they will be speaking informally. Let's listen to the conversation. Alessio, questa collana luccica molto, vero? Sì, forse troppo. Preferisco questa collana con questa ametista. Ma no, troppo vistosa. Allora, questo braccialetto com'è? Insomma, Alessio, hai un gusto proprio particolare. And now, with a translation. Questa volta, con la traduzione. Alessio, questa collana luccica molto. Alessio, this necklace sparkles a lot, doesn't it? Sì, forse troppo. Preferisco questa collana con questa ametista. Yes, probably too much. I prefer this necklace with this amethyst. Ma no, troppo vistosa. Oh no, it's too showy. Allora, questo braccialetto com'è? So, how…
