From the course: Italian for Absolute Beginners

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Review tracks

Review tracks

This track contains all the reviews you've listened to in the individual lessons. We'll say a word or phrase, wait for you to pronounce it, and then give you the English equivalent. Use this track to practice pronunciation and reinforce what you have learned. Lesson 1 Ciao, mi chiamo Melissa, e tu? Hi, my name is Melissa, and you? Molto lieta. Very pleased to meet you. Ciao. Hello, hi, bye, and? Buongiorno. Good morning, good day, good afternoon. Good morning, good day, good afternoon. Buongiorno. Hello, hi, bye. Ciao. And? Nice to meet you, Alessio. Piacere, Alessio. Good morning, Alessio, Alessio Martini. Nice to meet you. Buongiorno, Alessio, Alessio Martini. Piacere di conoscerla. Good morning, my name is Melissa Cox, and you, sir, what is your name? Buongiorno, mi chiamo Melissa Cox, e lei? Come si chiama? Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Alessio. Ciao, piacere, io mi chiamo Alessio. Lesson 2 Io sono di Miami. I'm from Miami. Ah, non sei di Milano. Ah, you're not from Milan…
