From the course: Learning VoIP and Unified Communications

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Using STIR/SHAKEN to restore trust

Using STIR/SHAKEN to restore trust

- [Instructor] STIR/SHAKEN is a framework designed to combat robocalls and phone number spoofing and ensures legitimate calls reach recipients while blocking fraudulent ones. In this segment, we'll outline how SITR/SHAKEN works and explain why implementing this framework is essential for business. We know that email, spam, and phishing go hand in hand, and both are dangerous as they exploit our trust using social engineering. But how do malicious actors use VoIP to exploit our trust? Two ways they exploit our trust is by using vishing and SPIT. Let's talk about each of these concepts. Vishing or voice phishing is where attackers make deceptive calls to trick people into revealing sensitive information, commonly relying on robocalls to reach a greater number of people. SPIT, or Spam over Internet Telephony, involves mass distribution voicemail messages using VoIP technology, and this is similar to the way email spam works. Vishing and SPIT are very dangerous as spoofing is the primary…
