From the course: Maximize Your Creative Power

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Organizational habits

Organizational habits

- There is also courage and bravery to break old patterns. You know, in every organizations we have habits as we have habits that we bring from our home, habits that we inherited from our parents, there are also organizational habits, and those habits are creativity killers. So if you want to introduce innovation culture and really have people to speak up and bring new, creative, fresh ideas, you have to be brave enough to break those patterns, break those old habits. The best way how to do it is to start with yourself. Find a small thing in your life and do it differently. Find something that you do every day, every week, every month, and just decide for yourself you're going to do it differently, even if it's a path from your home to work or brushing your teeth with a different hand, whatever habits, no habit is small. You can start small and then build it up, and once you can overcome your own habits, then you can come…
