From the course: No-Code Web Design

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Three easy ways to improve website performance

Three easy ways to improve website performance

From the course: No-Code Web Design

Three easy ways to improve website performance

- Ever visited a website that takes for ever to load? So annoying, I'm sure you don't want your website to be one of those sites. When building an a no-code web environment, you typically don't have a ton of control over how fast your website loads. There are many tweaks that can be made to improve website performance, but many of these are quite geeky and would need to be made by your website platform. However, there are a few tweaks that you can make even in a no-code environment. Before I list these, it's worth considering your internet connection first. If the site loads slowly at your house, be sure to test your site under other internet connections as well. Test at a friend's house, the local library, a coffee shop, and other locations to see at the site of slow everywhere. If it's slow at your house but it seems okay everywhere else, chances are the problem is your internet connection. However, if the site is…
