From the course: Organizational Learning and Development

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AI for Learning & Development

AI for Learning & Development

- One of the biggest stories in recent years is artificial intelligence. ChatGPT alone had 1 million users in its first week, and it's grown organically to more than a billion users per month. Take a look at these quotes from leaders in this space. AI is not just another technology. It is a fundamental change in the way we live, work, and think. And AI is the new electricity. Just as electricity changed how we live and work, AI could revolutionize our world. As you consider opportunities and risks, it will be hard to cut through the hype, and there's a lot of it out there. Although it's still early days, it is already clear that AI will fuel best practices for learning, and those who use AI will outpace those who don't. Here are some of the opportunities I'm seeing. Starting with curation. AI can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately and pinpoint the most relevant content. It can also analyze content from a variety of sources and identify patterns that might be difficult…
