From the course: Organizational Thought Leadership
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Scaling the thought leadership maturity curve
From the course: Organizational Thought Leadership
Scaling the thought leadership maturity curve
- As organizations begin to understand the value of thought leadership, they advanced up the thought leadership maturity curve. To evaluate where your organization is today, you can complete the assessment or follow along, as we walk through the maturity curve, stage by stage. You may be surprised to see the stages begin at minus two. I believe that some organizations are not yet ready to engage in thought leadership. If your organization has been, either intentionally, or unintentionally under the radar, I'd rate that as minus two. This might include a stealth startup or a nonprofit that is just getting started. Others that fall into this category, might be organizations with legal, ethical, or regulatory barriers, that require them to keep a very low profile. Moving up to level minus one, are organizations whose public profile includes only the very basic facts. There's no effort internally to build or share expertise, or…
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