From the course: Organizational Thought Leadership

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Taking a stand

Taking a stand

- Imagine that moment in early 2016, when the CEO of PayPal, Dan Schulman, chose to publicly announce that the company would no longer be moving 400 jobs to Charlotte, North Carolina because of the discriminatory laws that had just been enacted. Not long afterwards, the NBA and the NCAA coordinated their announcements that they would no longer hold championship games in North Carolina because of the same discriminatory practices. I'm guessing there was a lot of internal debate in each of these organizations about whether and how to take that stand. Given the likelihood that the decision would alienate some of their stakeholders. But as Schulman said at the time, the new law violates the values and principles that are at the core of PayPal's mission and culture. All of us have anxiety about the negative consequences of these moments, but taking a stand for our values and our principles is at the heart of being a…
