From the course: Organizational Thought Leadership

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Understanding your audience(s)

Understanding your audience(s)

- When I first started working with the legal team at a large tech company, they were committed to raising their profile within their industry. Yet at our first meeting, it wasn't clear what the real audience was for their thought leadership efforts. Did they want to establish their organization as a great place to work in order to attract new team members? Were they hoping to motivate people to take action around a cause? Were they looking to gain status within the legal community? When they decided their priority was to improve their status within the Bay Area legal community, we were able to hone their efforts to the right venues, medium, and message to achieve their goal. Download the Exercise File, Defining Your Audience. As you go through this exercise, think about your own priorities. Then think about which groups of people, which audiences you'll need to influence in order to achieve that priority. You may have…
