From the course: Problem Solving Across An Organization
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Creating a roadmap
From the course: Problem Solving Across An Organization
Creating a roadmap
When you have a roadmap to achieve your goals, look at it every day to stay on track with your plan. This road map is a detailed, step-by-step guide to understanding what's needed. In this lesson, I'm going to help you create and define a road map for your problem-solving vision for your organization. Your road map shows you where to start, where to go, and all the steps in between. First, know what your outcomes are. It could be something like implementing a new recruitment system or updating the family leave policy. And then working with stakeholders, internal stakeholders such as leaders or other staff who will help implement the plan and external stakeholders, donors, members, may be board members. You can chart out the way to hit that outcome. So what are the next steps to reach your desired outcomes? A problem-solving road map is only successful if everyone feels involved in the process. So ask people what they see as the necessary steps to proceed. Each person is going to have…