From the course: Reorganize and Transition Your Team for Change

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Developing a reorganization communication plan

Developing a reorganization communication plan

From the course: Reorganize and Transition Your Team for Change

Developing a reorganization communication plan

- Guess what? Employees don't care about your exciting reorganization designs and plans, not until they know if their jobs are safe or how their jobs are changing. This reality should influence your plan for communicating in a reorganization. The key is to follow this three-phase communication plan. Phase one, communicate the overall reorganization plan. That is, why it's needed, what it's solving for, what the big-picture priorities are, and how team members will need to work now. And once you start sharing the overall plan and executing it, avoid false starts, stops, and shifts. For example, communicating priorities, moving forward with them, and then changing direction confuses and frustrates employees, and reorganizations already cause enough anxiety. Notice I'm saying communicate the overall plan here, as opposed to having every detail nailed down before you begin communicating. If you try to do that, details will…
