From the course: Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics

Defining the small business informational site project - Squarespace Tutorial

From the course: Squarespace Essential Training: The Basics

Defining the small business informational site project

- [Instructor] In this project, we'll build a simple but beautiful website for Wisdom Pet Medicine using Squarespace. Even if you have no background whatsoever in Squarespace, you can build the site by the time we complete this course. So I'll just go through a few of the pages that we are going to create. Obviously this is the homepage. We have a lovely opening home banner. We have a series of services, a testimonial, and then a footer at the bottom with links off to our various social media sites. We'll include a dropdown menu under Services where we will put in information about some of the services we offer including preventative care. And we'll also do things like enter videos onto our website page. We'll also talk about things like grooming for example. And we have buttons here where we can link off to a PDF and show a PDF of information, perhaps something more in detail or something that is printable. We'll also create an about page with some information, basic pictures. We'll talk about the background of our various veterinarians and their biographies, which we can hide behind in accordion panel, kind of like that. And finally, we'll create a contact form where you can enter your information and send information off to the website owner and get more information here. This isn't just for desktop computers. We do also have a mobile view where you can see exactly the same kind of information. It also has a mobile menu where you can get into multi-levels of navigation as well, and view the site across multiple devices. So that is the website that we will be building today. And if you're ready to get started building this, move on to the next video and let's get started.
