From the course: Strategic Communication for Leaders

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Enhance team resilience in economic uncertainty

Enhance team resilience in economic uncertainty

From the course: Strategic Communication for Leaders

Enhance team resilience in economic uncertainty

- In times of economic uncertainty, fear and anxiety may plague your team. Let's talk about how to provide guidance and stability in those moments. First, communicate early and often more frequently than you think necessary. People are thirsty for information when their situation is ambiguous. Set and stick to a schedule for updates. Even if you feel that your message is just on repeat. Your consistency builds trust that you're keeping everyone informed to communicate early in an emerging situation, you need approval to share sensitive information like layoffs or pay cuts. Without that go ahead, you can't say anything, not even a hint. If asked a question, don't say, "Well, I'm not supposed to say anything, but..." Instead, balance confidentiality with honesty. You might say, "We all wish we weren't in this situation, "and we'll work together through it as best we can." It's better to prevent the need for secrecy altogether. Encourage decision makers to allow the sharing of…
