From the course: Strategic Communication for Leaders
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Navigate post-layoff communications
From the course: Strategic Communication for Leaders
Navigate post-layoff communications
- I hope you never need the skills I'm about to discuss, but in reality, many of us are likely to be with a company during a downsizing. In the wake of layoffs, your communication skills can help restructure your team and guide people through that emotional aftermath. Employees who remain might feel guilty about keeping their jobs while their colleagues and friends were laid off. Address these feelings openly. Acknowledge that survivor guilt is natural and be vulnerable. Share your own feelings of fear, confusion, and sadness. Following layoffs, it's important to help those around you make sense of what happened. Ask people what conclusions they're drawing from this crisis, and listen deeply as they share their stories. These stories are sense-making tools, and they reduce the stress and confusion that can paralyze us during crisis. Creating a shared understanding of the layoffs fosters emotional support among team members. You may be physically and emotionally exhausted following a…
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