From the course: Strategic Human Resources
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A strategic performance development and management approach
From the course: Strategic Human Resources
A strategic performance development and management approach
- Performance management is the systematic process of improving the performance of your people So they can collectively get the organization to its goals. If one goal is to increase sales by 10%, for example, you've got to ensure the organization has the resources available to achieve it. A strategic HR partner understands performance management Isn't just focused on individual performance. It's also focused on how the organization helps or hinders its workforce. Does the sales team know what's expected of them? Are they told when they're not meeting expectations and rewarded when they are And do they have the right training? From an organizational perspective, Does the sales team need more people or more leads, Are processes efficient, and can the current leader lead the team to this goal? Good HR strategists also look at manager capabilities. Unfortunately, I find this group is often overlooked. I see time and again that…
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A strategic recruiting and onboarding approach3m 1s
A strategic performance development and management approach3m 5s
A strategic learning and growth approach3m
A strategic employee experience and organizational culture approach3m 6s
A strategic DIBs approach to human resources3m 2s
A strategic well-being and flexible work approach2m 48s
Software, apps, and metrics3m
A strategic benefits and compensation approach2m 47s