From the course: Succeeding as a First-Time Tech Manager (2019)
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Communicating organizational vision
From the course: Succeeding as a First-Time Tech Manager (2019)
Communicating organizational vision
- Today's work culture is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Organizational vision and business strategy shifts with the changes in the market. As a leader, you need to ensure that you effectively communicate the organizational vision and strategy to your team. This is not always easy, as the strategy can be somewhat of a moving target. Not only does the team need to know what the new strategy is, it also needs to know why the strategy is changing and how this change affects their day-to-day tasks. You want your team to not just know the vision, but believe in it, so that they're motivated to execute on it. Here are a few things that you can do to communicate the organizational vision effectively. Before you communicate the vision to your team, put yourself in their shoes. What questions will they have about the vision? Prepare the answers beforehand. One thing to remember is not to get tactical while…