From the course: Tech Career Skills: Effective Technical Communication

Upgrade your technical communication

- [Instructor] Software development is challenging, because as a technical team, we have to figure out what to do, do it, and then make sure we've done it right. And each step requires effective communication. We work with stakeholders, developers, product managers, testers, each coming with different perspectives on how things should be done. And this can cause our product to suffer if we don't all get on the same page. We'll look at various tools and techniques that can help propel your career by making you a more effective technical communicator. Learn more forms of communication are the most effective to automate, and which require a personal touch in your team's daily activities. Also, learn how you can best structure meetings to achieve your team's goals. We'll also review some common challenges to effective communication, and how you can navigate them successfully. My name is Annyce Davis, and I've worked on software teams of various structures, sizes and cultures, and through it all, having effective communication has helped me to make the most of my interactions. So, join me on my LinkedIn learning course, all about becoming an effective technical communicator.
