From the course: Using Authenticity to Build Productive Relationships

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- In some ways, it sounds easy to be who you are. But in reality, it takes a lot of work and a little bravery, but you can do this. No matter where you are in your journey, you can still find a higher level of comfort and success while being your authentic self. Let me help you get started. The first thing I want you to do is think about all of your major relationships. How many of them are really defined by authenticity? And how many of them do you feel comfortable being fully you? There is, of course, no perfect answer, but let me challenge you. If you don't feel that half or more of your relationships are comfortable, productive, and authentic, you face a real opportunity. So, your second task is to think about your personal efforts to create more authenticity in your relationships. Use this course and do a little audit. Think about how candid, personal, and vulnerable you are. Think about the most obvious opportunities…
