From the course: Your L&D Organization as a Competitive Advantage
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Build capability via organizational learning
From the course: Your L&D Organization as a Competitive Advantage
Build capability via organizational learning
- Organizational leaders view improving and expanding corporate capabilities as a top 10 priority. This, according to the global consultancy firm, McKinsey. How much can training and development do to build those capabilities? It turns out, plenty. Capability building can be accomplished in several areas through a focus on training and development. The first is improvement in the ability of the organization to produce its products and services. Properly trained employees are more productive and the research backs this up. A study by the American Society for Training and Development, now the Association for Talent Development, show that companies that invest the most in workplace learning yielded higher net sales per employee and higher gross profits per employee than companies that invested less. Additionally, a study published in the International Journal of Science and Research found that training greatly benefits both employers and employees. It also leads to greater efficiency and…
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