Brian Muenzenmeyer’s Post

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📗 Author of Approachable Open Source | Principal Engineer | Node.js Maintainer | Open Source Program Office

😅 Today I saw a post chiding us what the GitHub contributor graph _should_ look like. WEEKENDS ARE A MUST. CONSISTENCY IS KEY. 🤣 Yesterday I saw a post that said open source MUST be elitist in order for it to succeed. They falsely equivocated open governance with democracy. 🤐 These takes are rubbish. I almost quoted them here, but I'd rather lift up an alternative narrative. 🛑 We need to dispel the myth that open source software is this difficult, herculean marathon. That's not going to move the needle on the next generation. It's not going to shame the enterprise developer to make that first PR. It's not going to convince anyone to change. 🚧 Open source can be approachable. It can be work. Just work. 9 to 5. The cover of this book alludes to this. I wrote about it at The spectrum of engagement, the truest array of activities one can explore to advance a project, is a vast space welcome to everyone. - Maintainers that optimize for modest moments of contribution will find the most success. - Employers that empower their workers to engage upstream unlock ridiculous potential energy - Individuals that find outlets like the above hone their craft and do so without guilt. 🎃 To these ends, I also acknowledge it's October, the traditional Hacktoberfest festival is upon us. I feel fortunate that Approachable Open Source is entering the discourse right now, so I can help pivot this discussion, if only a tiny bit. 📦 I want to get it into your hands. I'm taking $10 off the paperback / digital bundle, now until the end of October. This is getting close to an at-cost deal here. 📭 Buy today at PS - this will be the end of my book launch phase. Every sale now also means we'll be sending money to charity! #opensource #hacktoberfest #book #spectrumofengagement #github #payitforward

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