Phase 1 (Exploring my gaps) ✅ Phase 2 (Deep Dive/Hands On) ⏳ Phase 3 (Practice Questions) ⏳ We're moving... #cloudcomputing #cloud #aws #amazon
He’s an owl ladies and gentlemen, he does not sleep at night 😅
Soon and very soon! ✅ 💚
At 7 AM no doubt
Everyday one step closer to the finish line!💪🏻
Let's GOOOOOO!!!
That’s always a solid gameplan brother
Let’s gooooo!!!!
Keep going Ifeanyi, don't give up, Neal's courses are great, they have helped me a lot in obtaining 3 certifications including the professional solutions architect by studying with his courses and following his practices AND labs 100% recommended.
Go smash it!
DevOps Engineer☁️ | AWS Certified 💻| Linux |Python | Docker | Terraform |
4moNeal looking different without the glasses and the cut 😂💡