#petrossolomon #PetrosSolomon is one of #Eritreasprominenthistoricalfigures, known for his significant role in the Eritrean struggle for independence and his later contributions to the country's governance. Below is an overview of his history and circumstances surrounding his detention: This is unbelievable—I can’t stop crying for the family of Petros Solomon. What a nightmare... September 18, 2001.
Background and Role in the Liberation Struggle Early Life and Education:#PetrosSolomon was born in 1951 in Asmara, Eritrea. He pursued education abroad, including studies in the #UnitedStates , before dedicating his life to the liberation movement. Role in the Eritrean Liberation Front (EPLF):
Petros was a key member of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (#EPLF), which led the 30-year war for independence from Ethiopia. As a commander, he played a #strategicrole in planning and executing military operations during the liberation struggle. Post-Independence Leadership:
After Eritrea gained independence in 1991, #PetrosSolomon transitioned into #politicalleadership. He served in various high-ranking positions, including: #MinisterofDefense #MinisterOfForeignAffairs
#MinisterofMarineResources #ArrestandDetention
The #G15Group :
In 2001, #Petros Solomon became one of #15highrankinggovernmentofficials, collectively referred to as the "#G15," who publicly criticized President Isaias Afwerki's administration. The G-15 called for #democraticreforms, the #implementationoftheconstitution, and #moretransparency in governance.
#Arrest In #September2001, #PetrosSolomon, along with other members of the G-15, was arrested during a crackdown on dissent by the Eritrean government. The arrests occurred in the aftermath of the Eritrean-Ethiopian border war (1998–2000), during which internal political disagreements grew.
#Detention Conditions: #PetrosSolomon has been held incommunicado since his arrest.
Neither he nor his colleagues have been formally charged or given a trial. Reports suggest that they are being held in harsh conditions in secret prisons.
Family and Personal Impact #HanaPetros : #PetrosSolomon's wife, #HanaPetros, was also detained in 2003. She was reportedly arrested after attempting to flee the country with their children.
Advocacy for Release: Their children and international #humanrightsorganizations have continuously advocated for the release of Petros Solomon and the #G15 members.
#AmnestyInternational#International and other groups have labeled him and his colleagues as prisoners of conscience.
Legacy #PetrosSolomon remains a symbol of both Eritrea's liberation and the struggle for justice and democracy within the country. His detention highlights the ongoing challenges of governance, human rights, and freedom of expression in Eritrea.
#DawitIsaak #asterfissehatsion
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