Prashanth Chandrasekar’s Post

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CEO at Stack Overflow

The end of the calendar year means almost every company on the planet will offer their predictions on what tech will take the world by storm in 2025. But if there is anything the last few years have taught us, the world is moving too quickly to predict what may happen in 12 days, let alone 12 months, especially with the compounding effects of scaling in multiple layers of technology hardware and software stacks. So rather than make a prediction, we are going to share more, earlier and you’ll start to see more behind the curtain from our team at Stack Overflow. We want to show our community members more early previews of the features and functions we are trying to bring to life. Will they all be perfect or ready for prime time? Of course not - but only by bringing you all along on the journey can we truly help elevate and expand the experiences on our platform and for our users and customers. Here are two examples from our experiment last month of using GenAI to help our users with question asking (and to promote a friendlier community environment) and changes to our signup process that resulted in a 4X outcome! Stay tuned for more to come in the weeks and months ahead. I may not be able to predict the future, but I can guarantee 2025 is going to be exciting!

  • graphical user interface
Maia Brenner

CEO & Founder @ flipzen - Revolutionizing Compliance


Thanks for sharing Prashanth Chandrasekar . Intrigued to know more about the changes to the Sign Up process. Are you using any genai/ agentic interface for onboarding new clients?


AI Rehan Creative Agency Digital Marketing and web development on-page, Off-page SEO experts


Love this

Ranjith Raghunath

Customer eXperience | Founder | Data and Analytics Executive | Board Member | People Leader


Congratulations Prashanth Chandrasekar and team!!! This is quite an accomplishment!

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