- Facts & History
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- Annual Report
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- Who Was MD Anderson
- President Peter WT Pisters, M.D.
- Executive Leadership Team
- Past Presidents
- Board of Visitors & Advance Team
- Reports to the State
- Emergency Alert
- Emil J Freireich Tribute
- 80th Anniversary
- The Legacy of R. Lee Clark
Reports to the State
House Bill 1016, enacted by the 76th Legislature, and Texas Government Code, Sec. 2052.0021 stipulates that state agencies will make available all reports required by law in an electronic format as recommended by the Texas Legislative Council. Listed below are summaries and descriptions of the reports required of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. As reports become available, they will be accessible from this site. The reports are in Adobe PDF format and must be viewed with Adobe Reader.
- Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts - "Where the Money Goes"
- UT System Expenditure Transparency Reports
Annual Financial Report
No later than November 20 the executive head of each state agency shall file with the Governor, the State Auditor, the Legislative Budget Board, Legislative Reference Library, and the Comptroller of Public Accounts an annual report as of August 31 of the preceding fiscal year showing the use of appropriated funds. An annual report shall be prepared by the agency to present the financial position and the results of its operations and changes in financial position for the fiscal year in conformity with reporting guidance provided by the Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Government Code, Section 2101.011. General Appropriations Act, Art. IX, Sec 7.02, pg. IX-35
- FY 2024
- FY 2024 - Audited Financial Statements - GAS Opinion
- FY 2023
- FY 2023 - Audited Financial Statements - GAS Opinion
- FY 2022
- FY 2022 - Audited Financial Statements - GAS Opinion
Annual Operating Budget
On or before December 1 of each fiscal year, an itemized budget covering operations of that fiscal year shall be filed with the Governor’s Office of Budget and Planning, Legislative Budget Board, the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the Legislative Reference Library in the format prescribed jointly by both budget offices.
Education Code, Section 51.0051; General Appropriations Act, Art. III, Sec. 6.01, pg. III-241 and Art. IX, Sec.7.01, pg. IX-34.
Annual Audit Report
The Texas Internal Auditing Act requires certain state agencies and higher education institutions to submit an internal audit annual report each year by November 1.
The State Auditor is charged with prescribing the form and content of the annual report and other internal audit requirements. The internal audit annual report is submitted to the State Auditor’s Office, the Office of the Governor, and the Legislative Budget Board.
Government Code, Section 2102.009.
County Indigent Care Contracts
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, MD Anderson Cancer Center, and The University of Texas Health Center at Tyler shall submit to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor at the end of each fiscal year a list of Counties whose indigent residents have been served by each institution; the total amount of reimbursement received by each institution from each county pursuant to the indigent health Care and Treatment Act; and the total cost, by county of services provided by each institution for which counties are liable. In addition, each institution shall report annually (no later than March 1st) to the Legislative Budget Board and Governor on the status of contract agreements or negotiations with each county whose indigent residents have been served by the institution.
General Appropriations, Art III Special Provisions Section 21 (2).
Employee Training Reporting Requirement
Senate Bill 255, enacted in 2017 , Section 656.047 (c) requires state agencies and institutions of higher education that spend more than $5,000 in a fiscal year for any individual administrator or employee to attend a training or educational program to submit a report to the LBB. The report is due on or by August 31 of that fiscal year and must include: 1) a list of the administrators and employees participating in a training or educational program; 2) the amount spent on each administrator or employee; and 3) the certification earned by each administrator or employee through the training or education program.
FTE State Employees
Not later than the last day of the first month following each quarter of the fiscal year, a State agency shall file with the State Auditor a written report that provides the following data for that fiscal quarter. The report must be made in the manner prescribed by the State Auditor.
- Number of full-time equivalent State employees employed by the agency and paid from funds in the State Treasury;
- Number of full-time equivalent State employees employed by the agency and paid from funds outside of the State Treasury;
- Increase or decrease, if any, of the number of full-time equivalent employees from the fiscal quarter preceding the quarter covered by the report;
- Number of positions of the agency paid from funds in the State Treasury;
- Number of positions of the agency paid from funds outside of the State Treasury;
- Number of individuals who performed services for the agency under a contract, including consultants and individuals employed under contracts with temporary help services.
- Number of managers, supervisors, and staff.
Government Code, Section 2052.103. General Appropriations, Art. IX, Part 6. Sec. 6.10
Historically Underutilized Businesses
Sec. 7.06. Internal Assessments on Utilization of Historically Underutilized Businesses
Out of funds appropriated in this Act to each state agency and institution, before December 1, each agency and institution shall submit to the Comptroller and Legislative Budget Board an internal assessment evaluating the agency's or institution's efforts during the previous two fiscal years in increasing the participation of historically underutilized businesses (HUBs) in purchasing and public works contracting. The Comptroller or Legislative Budget Board may evaluate information provided in the internal assessments to determine the agency's or institution's good faith efforts towards increasing the use of HUBs in purchasing and contracting for goods and services in accordance with Chapter 2161, Government Code and 34 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 20, Subchapter B.
Sec. 7.07. Historically Underutilized Business Policy Compliance
(a) (1) Before December 1, each agency or institution shall submit a report demonstrating to the Legislative Budget Board and Comptroller compliance and a plan for maintaining future compliance with Government Code, §2161.123 and that it will make good faith efforts to meet its goals established under Government Code, §2161.123 (d)(5) for increasing the agency's or institution's use of historically underutilized businesses (HUBs) in purchasing and public works contracting.
Legislative Appropriations Request
Each institution, department, agency, officer, employee, or agent of the State shall submit any estimate or reporting relating to appropriations requested by the Legislative Budget Board or under the Boards direction. Each estimate or report shall be submitted at a time set by the Board and in the manner prescribed by the Board rules. An estimate or report required under this section is in addition to an estimate or report required by other law, including those estimates or reports relating to appropriations required by Chapter 401. Government Code, Section 322.007. The Governor may collaborate with the Legislative Budget Board in designing and preparing uniform budget estimate forms on which all requests for legislative appropriations must be prepared. The Governor shall require that all appropriation requests be submitted to the Governor on the forms.
Government Code, Section 401.042.
Protected Expression on Campus
Senate Bill 18 (86th Texas Legislature) established the outdoor common areas of institutions of higher education as traditional public forums and required the adoption of a policy on free speech. In compliance with Texas Education Code 51.9315(k), not later than December 1, 2020, each institution of higher education shall prepare, post on the institution's Internet website, and submit to the governor and the members of the legislature a report regarding the institution ’s implementation of the requirements under this section.
Salary Supplements
Texas Government Code, Section 659.0201, requires each state agency and higher education institution (as defined by Section 61.003 of the Texas Education Code) to collect and report certain information related to salary supplements provided to employees. The State Auditor's Office is responsible for adopting a schedule and format to assist agencies and institutions with those reporting requirements.
Staff Compensation
In compliance with Texas Government Code Sec. 659.026, a state agency shall make available to the public by posting on the agency’s Internet website information regarding Staff Compensation.
State Programs Not Funded by Appropriations
Senate Bill 1831, enacted in 2017 , requires all agencies and institutions of higher education to report to the Comptroller’s office no later than September 30 of each year. The report must identify required state programs not funded by appropriations; the law imposing the requirement; and the amount and source of money each state entity spent, if any, to implement any portion of these programs in the most recent fiscal year.
Tobacco Settlement Agreement
State Agencies and institutions of higher education that are appropriated funds from the receipts collected pursuant to the Comprehensive Tobacco Settlement Agreement and Release shall submit a budget by November 1 to the Legislative Budget Board and the Governor.
HB 1, 76th Leg., Art. XII, Sec. 10, pg. XII-7.
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