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STEM Engagement Directors

Headquarters Support Services Division

NASA Ames Research Center 

Director, California Office of STEM Engagement at Ames Research Center
Dr. Joeletta Patrick 
NASA Ames Research Center​
Moffett Blvd
Mail Stop 4P25, Bldg 226, Rm 103
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Phone: 650-604-0370
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact Information

Armstrong Flight Research Center

Director, California Office of STEM Engagement at Armstrong Flight Research Center
Dr. Joeletta Patrick 
NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
4800 Lily Ave
Code 112, 4830A
Edwards, CA 93523
Phone: 661-276-2418 at AFRC
Email: [email protected]

Glenn Research Center

Director, Office of STEM Engagement
Darlene S. Walker
Office of Education, MS 7-4
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, OH 44135
Phone: 216-433-6656
Fax: 216-433-3344
Email: [email protected]

Goddard Space Flight Center

Director of Education
Dr. Robert Gabrys
​Education Office Mail Code 160
8800 Greenbelt Road
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: 301-286-7205
Email: [email protected] 
Additional Contact Information

Jet Propulsion Laboratory or

Education Director
Mr. David Seidel
​M/S: 180-109
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
Phone: 818-354-9313
Fax: 818-393-4977
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact Information

Johnson Space Center

Director, Office of STEM Engagement
Mr. Gamaliel “Dan” Cherry, PhD
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, TX 77058
Phone: 757-506-4095
Fax: 281-483-3379
Email: [email protected] 
Additional Contact Information

Kennedy Space Center

Chief, Education Projects and Youth Engagement Office
Ms. Lesley Fletcher, Ph.D.
Mail Code PX-E
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
Phone: 321-867-3623
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact Information

Langley Research Center

Office of STEM Engagement Director
Ms. Garnise Dennis, Ph.D., CGFM (Acting)
Office of Human Capital Management
Mail Stop 033
Langley Research Center
Hampton, VA 23681-2199
Phone: 757-864-2335
Fax: 757-864-8835
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact Information

Marshall Space Flight Center

Southeast Region Office of STEM Engagement at Marshall Space Flight Center
Mr. Kevin Mcghaw
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Mail Code CS01​
Huntsville, AL 35812
Phone: 256-544-8722
Fax: 256-544-4131
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact Information

Stennis Space Center

Southeast Region Office of STEM Engagement at Stennis Space Center
Ms. Kelly Martin-Rivers
Mail Code UA00
Building 1100, Room 310D
Stennis Space Center MS 39529
Phone: 228-688-3802
Fax: 228-688-6236
Email: [email protected]
Additional Contact Information